Wednesday, June 20, 2012

JOINT HEALTH TABLET: produk baru lagi!


Anda boleh mengekalkan sendi2 yang kuat, fleksibel dan mudah bergerak dengan Joint Health Tablet.

Advance Joint Health Tablet mengandungi ekstrak unique Boswellia aktif dengan paten tertunda, ektrak Jagung dan nutrien penting lain termasuk Zinc, Tembaga, Mangan dan Vitamin C untuk membantu meningkatkan keselesaan sendi dan pergerakan. Dengan menggunakan tumbuhan dan bahan - bahan berasaskan mineral, Shaklee Advance Joint Health tablet ialah formula sayur-sayuran 100%.

Bagaimana Ia Berkesan?
Shaklee Advanced Joint Health Tablet memberikan manfaat kepada sendi - sendi sihat dalam 3 cara :

1) Menyokong Keselesaan Sendi
- Ekstar Boswellia : menghalang pembentukan bahan kimia yang menyerang tulang rawan.

Ekstrak Boswellia adalah gum resin dari pokok Boswellia serrate. Ekstark Boswellia digunakan dalam perubatan Ayurveda untuk menyokong kesihatan sendi sejal berkurun lamanya. Bahan aktif utama ekstrak Boswellia ialah asid boswelik (AKBA, asid 3-asetil-11-keto-beta-boswelik) yang berfungsi sebagai anti-radang semulajadi. AKBA menyokong kesihatan sendi dengan menghalang bahan kimia daripada menyerang tulang rawan yang menyebabkan ketidakselesaan sendi.

2) Bertindak Sebagai Kusyen
- Ekstrak jagung : membantu mengekalkan tulang rawan.

Ekstrak jagung membekalkan satu sumber yang pekat dengan glukosamina yang berfungsi untuk meningkatkan sokongan kusyen sendi dan pemeliharaan tulang rawan. Glukosamina adalah blok binaan utama bagi membina tulang rawan dan lendir bagi melicinkan sendi. Glukosamina juga ditemui dalam tendon dan ligamen. Namun, semakin tubuh menua, jumlah glukosamina yang dihasilkan oleh tubuh semakin merosot. Banyak kajian yang diterbitkan menunjukkan yang suplemen ekstrak jagung dapat menggalakkan kelenturan, pergerakan bebas dan menjadikan sendi lebih fleksibel. Dan lagi, kajian bertahun - tahun juga mengesyorkan yang suplemen ekstrak jagung dapat menyumbang kepada kesihatan sendi dalam jangkamasa panjang.

3) Memelihara Tisu Penyambung Yang Sihat
- Zink, tembaga, managan & vitamin c : Nutrien penting dalam kesihatan sendi.
Membekalkan sokongan nutrien unutk kolagen dan komponen tisu penyambung lain yang memberikan kekuatan dan struktur terhadap sendi.

Keistimewaan Shaklee
Sentiasa Berkesan
Ekstrak proprietari Boswellia yang digunakan bukan sahaja mengandungi asid Boswellia AKBA yang pekat bagi penyokong keselesaan sendi, tetapi juga mengandungi dahan semulajadi lain daripada resin Boswellia yang mempunyai bioativiti yang lebih baik bila bergabung berbanding AKBA sahaja.

100% bebas konroitin bagi penyerapan ekstrak jagung yang lebih baik. (Penyelidikan baru - baru ini menunjukkan yang sulfat kondroitin juga boleh menggangu penyerapan ekstrak jagung dan glukosamina)

Sentiasa Selamat
100% berasaskan sayur - sayuran
Kaplet mudah telan
Bebas gluten

Sentiasa Mesra Alam
Botol yang dikitar semula
Pembukusan yang bebas bisfenol-A (BPA)

Untuk maklumat lanjut boleh hubungi mama untuk dapatkan konsultasi tentang set mana yang paling sesuai dengan anda. Anda juga akan diberi tips dan cara pengambilan vitamin yang betul apabila membeli dengan saya.

The role of collagen in our body

Collagen is a type of protein that is found in animals and human beings. It is a multifunctional protein that is found in different parts of the body. It is also the most abundant protein present in the human body. There are different types of collagen in the body with the most occurring being types I, II,III and IV. These four types of collagen are found in over 90 percent of the body in tissues and structures including the skin, bones, tendons and ligaments.

The bones give shape and support to the human body. The bones are made up of three major components: minerals, organic proteins and ground substance. Organic proteins also known as collagen make up 30 percent of the bones. Type I collagen found in the bones combine with hydroxyapatite to give strength and resistance to the bones. A lack of collagen in the bones leads to diseases such as osteogenesis imperfecta where the bones become brittle and easily fractured.

The skin is made up of three layers: the epidermis, dermis and subcutaneous tissue. The dermis is the thickest part of the skin and comprises of the papillary and reticulate dermis. The papillary dermis consists of fine fibers of type III collagen that make the skin pliable, while the reticulate dermis is made of the broad type I collagen and gives the skin tensile strength. Collagen gives the skin structural stability, resilience and durability. It is responsible for what the skin looks like. Absence of collagen in the skin causes wrinkle formation and a thin dermis.

People need muscles for involuntary actions like breathing and deliberate activities like movement and exercise. Thousands of individual muscle fibers combine to form the muscle. Each muscle fiber is covered by three layers of collagen. The innermost collagen sheath is the endomysium, followed by the much thicker perimysium. The epimysium is the last collagen layer surrounding a single muscle fiber. The collagen in the muscle helps it contract and stretch to transmit force, which can be translated into motion or more strenuous activity like lifting.

Tendons link muscles to bones while ligaments link bones to other bones in the body. Cartilage is found at joints and in structures like the ears. The tendons and ligaments are made of collagen and so is cartilage. Type II collagen is found in cartilage, which helps reduce friction between joints and maintain the shape of structures like the nose and ears. Collagen gives the tendons and ligaments the ability to transmit force from the muscle and assist in the translation of this force to movement and other activities like exercise.

The dermis of the skin contains collagen. When the skin is broken or wounded, collagen is one of the factors needed to repair the wound and possibly return function to the wounded area. An orderly ensues when a wound occurs, and during this process, collagen deposition in the wound area is initiated. If too much collagen is deposited in the wound, the normal functioning and shape of the wound site may be lost. If too little collagen is deposited, the wound may not close up and could end up not healing properly.

"Muscle Strength"; Shrawan Kumar: 2004
"The Biomedical Engineering Handbook, Volume 1"; Joseph D. Bronzino; 2000
"Essentials of Strength Training and Conditioning"; Thomas R. Baechle, Roger W.; 2000



Kolagen kini menjadi perhatian terutama dalam bidang kecantikan. Ramai orang mengamalkan kolagen dan mengambil faedah dari kolagen samada dengan cara pengambilan oral mahupun suntikan.

Apakah kolagen? Kolagen adalah struktur protein yang bertindak sebagai perekat antara sel. 75% dari kulit kita terdiri dari kolagen.

Perlukah kolagen?

Ya, kerana kolagen dalam badan semakin berkurang, dan seiring dengan itu nutrisi yang menjaga kolagen yakni antioksidan juga semakin diperlukan oleh tubuh.

Maka, kesan kekurangan kolagen:

- kulit berkedut, kering dan melayut
- Kuku rapuh
- Rambut nipis dan gugur
- Tulang lemah
- Sendi kaku

Dapatkan Collagen Powder dari Shaklee hari ini. Diperbuat dari bahan semulajadi, terbukti secara klinikal.

Credit to:

SHAKLEE's new product: Collagen powder

Woot woot!
Shaklee telahpun memperkenalkan produk baru iaitu collagen powder. Tidak perlu suntikan botox dan sebagainya. Yang pasti, natural, HALAL dan tidak menyakitkan.
Saya pilih untuk aging gracefully, anda bagaimana?


Shaklee Collagen Powder merupakan suplemen kolagen hebat yang mengandungi 4000mg proprietari RSS (Red Snapper Scale) Collagen, kolagen yang berkualiti tinggi dan tulen yang diekstrak daripada sisik ikan merah. Kolagen bermolekul sangat ringan, dapat diserap dengan mudah oleh badan, dan dapat membantu kepada peningkatan sintesis kolagen pada lapisan dermis dengan berkesan.

TUJUH Kesan-kesan dan Faedah-faedah mengambil kolagen ialah:

(1) Anti Penuaan - mengurangkan liang pori-pori, kedutan dan garis-garis halus.

(2) Menghidratkan - melembapkan kulit, kurang rasa kering dan kulit terkupas pada muka.

(3) Mengembalikan keanjalan kulit - meningkatkan ketegangan kulit, keanjalan dan kelembutan.

(4) Melicinkan - Meningkatkan kelembutan dan kelicinan kulit.

(5) Menyubur - Menggalakkan kuku yang kuat, rambut yang tebal dan bersinar.

(6) Mencerah - Mengurangkan pigmentasi, jeragat dan meratakan warna kulit.

(7) Menegang - Membantu menegang dan menganjalkan payudara.

Bukan itu sahaja...

Faedah tambahan kolagen ialah, menyokong kesihatan sesendi dan menguatkan tulang. Kolagen juga mengekalkan otot di dalam mata supaya lembut.

Hasil kajian membuktikan dalam masa 8 minggu kulit kita akan:

- Meningkatkan kelembapan kulit sehingga 90%
- Mengurangkan kekasaran dan kekeringan sehingga 75%
- Peningkatan dalam penampilan keseluruhan sehingga 71%
- Meningkatkan kelembutan dan kelicinan sehingga 69%
- Meningkatkan pemakaian kekal mekap sehingga 60%
- Meningkatkan keanjalan, ketegangan & elastisiti sehingga 55%
- Meningkatkan ketebalan rambut sehingga 54%
- Meningkatkan keserian, tona & warna kulit sehingga 50%
- Mengurangkan garis halus dan kedutan sehingga 18%


Hubungi saya untuk membuat pesanan & maklumat lanjut!

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

it is your choice :) aging gracefully~

aging is sure...but i choose to age gracefully. how about u?

Aging Gracefully?
by Laura M. Cummins

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Imagine how life would be if Ponce de Leon really discovered "The Fountain of Youth" or if there were some type of miracle cream that would completely eradicate all signs of aging. Wouldn't life be sweet?
Unfortunately, age sneaks up on us unexpectedly, and there is no escaping the fact that we are all growing one year older every three hundred and sixty-five days. However, if we take preventive measures now, we can reduce the chances of unnecessary damage to our complexions in the future.
Our largest organ, the skin, goes through many different phases as we age. Women tend to age faster then men, due to the various hormonal changes they experience starting with puberty, then through pregnancy, and ending with menopause. Once menopause sets in, many women start to notice numerous changes with their complexions, such as, a decrease in sebum (oil) production, loss of elasticity, and a reduction in the rejuvenation process. How fast and to what extent the skin ages depend on three factors: your age, genetics, and lifestyle.

Forget about aging gracefully, in a sense that is giving in. Fight it all the way. You are never too young or too old to combat the signs of aging.

By living and maintaining a healthy lifestyle throughout your years, you increase your chances of overall balance ---- especially when it comes to your skin. All of us will have aging skin at some point in our lives, but with proper care, anyone can have a vibrant complexion and look beautiful at any age.

Healthy Eating

What you consume on a daily basis has a major impact on how well your skin regenerates itself. Foods that are low in nutrients, such as, refined carbohydrates are empty calories, they will not provide your body with vitamins and minerals it needs to develop and maintain a healthy glow. Choose foods that are close as possible to their natural state -- fresh and unprocessed.

Vitamins And Minerals To Help An Aging Skin

Beta Carotene - antioxidant, increases cellular regeneration, and prevents pre-mature aging of the skin
food source: carrots, apricots, & squash

Vitamin C - antioxidant, needed for production of elastin and collagen; promotes skin strength and elasticity inblood vessel walls and cell membranes
food source: oranges, kiwi, & peppers

Vitamin E - antioxidant, helps maintain all tissues, believed to slow the aging of cells; may help prevent scar formation
food source: cold-pressed vegetable oils, raw nuts & seeds

Selenium - antioxidant, protects against UV induced cell damage; helps preserve skin elasticity.
Food source: tuna, garlic, onions & broccoli

Zinc - antioxidant, essential for normal cell growth and repair
Food source: whole grains, most seafood, & onions

Essential Fatty Acids - to maintain proper function of all tissues and tissue repair, especially the skin
food source: primrose oil, flaxseed oil, & olive oil

Consume your food choices in moderation, your body can only process so many nutrients at once. When you eat your meals, try to incorporate foods that are going to offer you high nutritional value, and try to cut back on the ones that do not. Eating healthy can be a little time consuming at first, but stick with it, and you will see the positive results. Not only will you look and feel absolutely wonderful, but you will expose a brand new person on the inside out.

The Best Kept Beauty Secret

The human body is made up of 50% to 70% water. Your body loses about three quarts of water each day through perspiration, urine, and respiration. Waiting until your thirsty isn't always the best barometer. Thirst is a response to severe dehydration. It is recommended that the average person should drink at least two to three pints of clean, pure water each day. Water is involved with nearly every bodily process -- especially flushing out waste materials. Water benefits our skin by acting as an internal moisturizer, keeping the skin moist, supple, and clear as well as preventing pre-mature aging.

Reduce Alcohol Intake

Alcohol weakens the immune system, and creates unnecessary problems within the body, by depleting it of vitamins and minerals it desperately needs to function properly. In the realm of skincare, alcohol causes dehydration, which deprives our complexions of precious moisture that is necessary to keep it soft, smooth and youthful. Alcohol in excess is known to overtax the liver, which is a much-needed organ that helps to diffuse impurities from reaching and harming other organs and systems of the human body. Alcohol consumption can lead to broken or distended capillaries, especially over the nose and cheeks. To maintain a lovely complexion, alcoholic beverages should be consumed in moderation.

Quit Smoking

Smoking has been documented in many studies to be quite detrimental to the skin. Smoking is a nasty habit that progressively creates a pre-mature breakdown of your overall state of health, internally and externally. Cigarettes contain ingredients such as, acetone, ammonia, arsenic, formaldehyde, and nicotine, which are chemical compounds that are considered to be quite harmful to the human body --- imagine their impact on the skin. Smokers tend to have a grayish tinge to their complexion, due to a poor oxygen supply. Since there is a lack of oxygen, dehydration occurs, which then increases the risk of pre-mature wrinkles. Smoking can also slow the healing and regeneration process of the body, which could be harmful if you ever needed surgery. Just know that there is nothing positive about smoking, it causes many negative side effects within our bodies, which in the long run we wonder to ourselves," Why did I start in the first place? "

Watch Those Rays

There has been extensive research performed over the past thirty years on the sun, and it's impact on the human body. Through these studies, we have found that a certain amount of sunlight is needed to manufacture Vitamin D within our bodies, which is a definite necessity. However, after a certain allotment of time, those powerful rays can be very harmful to our body's largest organ - the skin. In fact, if it weren't for sun exposure, say the experts, our skin would stay relatively smooth into our eighties. Dehydration, fine lines, wrinkles and even skin cancer is caused by excessive exposure to UV rays, which penetrate our atmosphere everyday. 

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Tuesday, June 5, 2012

woot woot! promosi bulan jun!

 yesza!! promosi vitamin HOT bulan jun. 

vitamin E yang dikenali sebagai Vitamin Asmara:

- juga diberi nama jolokan sebagai "vitamin seks", Vitamin E memainkan peranan yang penting untuk kesihatan seksual di mana ia membantu menghasilkan hormon seks serta merangsang libido. Ada juga sesetengah wanita yang menjadikan Vitamin E sebagai 'pelincir' ketika melakukan hubungan seksual.

Peranan Vita-E Untuk kesihatan seksual lelaki:
* Lebih tenaga (seksual)
* Ereksi yang lebih lama
* Lebih mudah terangsang
* Libido yang lebih kuat
* Orgasma yang lebih kerap dan bersemangat

Peranan Vita-E Untuk kesihatan seksual wanita:
* Lebih tenaga (seksual)
* Lebih mudah terangsang
* Libido yang lebih kuat
* Untuk menstabilkan hormon seks/ kewanitaan, terutama bagi ibu menyusu yang mempunyai kandungan hormon prolaktin (hormon menyusu) yang tinggi.

selain daripada itu,kebaikan vitamin E yang lain ialah:

(1) Mengekalkan keremajaan anda dengan mengurangkan penuaan sel yang disebabkan oleh pengoksidaan.
(2) Menghalang pengoksidaan yang disebabkan oleh 'kolesterol jahat'.
(3) Gabungannya dengan Vitamin A akan melindungi paru-paru daripada pencemaran udara.
(4) Bantu menghalang pembentukan pelbagai jenis kanser.
(5) Menambah kekuatan sel T dalam melawan penyakit.
(6) Bantu menghalang pertumbuhan kanser payudara.
(7) Menghalang serta mencairkan pembentukan darah beku.
(8) Mengawal kelesuan.
(9) Mengurangkan risiko katarak.
(10) Mencegah pembentukan parut hodoh (tebal) dari luaran tubuh (apabila disapu terus pada kulit - ia juga boleh diserap masuk melalui kulit), dan juga dari dalam badan.
(11) Mempercepatkan penyembuhan luka yang disebabkan oleh terkena benda panas/ terbakar.
(12) Bantu menurunkan tekanan darah.
(13) Mengurangkan kekejangan kaki.
(14) Merendahkan risiko penyakit jantung dan serangan strok.
(15) Mengurangkan risiko dan aktiviti yang menyumbang kepada penyakit Alzheimer.

Banyak lagi kebaikan Vitamin E ini selain daripada yang dinyatakan di atas. Namun, bukan semua Vitamin E yang berada di pasaran boleh diserap dengan baik oleh tubuh badan kita. Jadi, sebelum anda melaburkan sejumlah wang yang belum pasti dapat memberikan pulangan yang baik kepada diri anda, ketahuilah bahawa ciri-ciri vitamin E yang baik ialah Vitamin E dari sumber semulajadi.

Bagaimanakah nak kenal Vitamin E daripada sumber semulajadi?

Lihat label pada botol Vitamin E tersebut, pastikan Vitamin E itu datang dari sumber d-alpha-tocopherol - 'd' ini bermakna ia adalah sumber asli. Ini kerana, suplemen Vitamin E dari sumber semulajadi boleh diserap oleh badan sebanyak 2 kali ganda lebih mudah berbanding Vitamin E sintetik.

Sekilas Fakta Shaklee Vita-E Complex:

* 400 IU Vitamin E dari sumber semulajadi.
* 10 mcg Selenium sebagai pelengkap bagi menyempurnakan aktiviti vitamin E.

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apa lagi? jom dapatkan vitamin ini! dengan harga yang berpatutan!